Following a 24 hour media and email campaign, BC Ferries reversed its short-lived policy of removing pictures of the queen from their vessels.
Who We Are and What We Do
The Monarchist League of Canada is a group of your friends and neighbours from across the country, united in their interest in and loyalty towards Canada’s constitutional monarchy. As an inclusive and outward-looking organization, the League is strengthened by the diverse backgrounds and experiences of its members, and is able to project its message nationally in a contemporary manner owing to its credibility and high visibility in the Canadian media.
Since its inception in 1970, the League has gained a national reputation as the leading voice of intelligent monarchical opinion in Canada. Our overall task is to promote the full expression and a better understanding of the history and real benefits of a uniquely Canadian constitutional monarchy. We present the positive face of the Canadian Crown as an essential part of national identity, and as the central pillar of our parliamentary democracy. We frequently work with MPs and members of provincial legislatures of all parties to further cement the role of the monarchy as a “big tent” under which every member of a diverse society can find an equal and respected place.
The League became federally incorporated as a non-profit society in 1976. Around this time, many lieutenant governors began to grant their patronage. In the early 90s, we were the first loyal society to publish a website. In 2000, the Canadian Heraldic Authority granted us Arms, which include the use of two Royal Crowns by personal permission of The Queen. Several hundred League members were honoured to receive the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal in 2002 and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2012. In 2009, we pioneered use of the social media to promote the monarchy, including Tweeting the Royal Homecoming of Charles, Prince of Wales and Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall—a first for a Royal Visit!
The League maintains a close relationship with Rideau Hall via the Governor General’s private secretary and the Chancellery of Honours, and enjoys similar close contact with many of the ten lieutenant governors’ offices as well as with the federal Department of Canadian Heritage.
Our Young Monarchist group communicates electronically, its members often playing a significant role communicating to the media on the League’s behalf, with some even serving as vice-regal interns. Education is a central focus of our activities. We think that in some ways Canada is unique among modern democracies in that too many of our citizens lack a complete understanding of how our government works. Thus we reach out to people across the land, especially to young people and newcomers, seeking to expand their knowledge of the Canadian Crown and, more generally, of what it means to be a Canadian. It is obvious that we cannot have any intelligent national discussion about the role of the Crown without a citizenry well-informed about how it functions! Patriotism cannot simply be based on waving the Flag and feeling positive about our country; emotion has to be coupled with understanding. Accordingly, we distribute our own educational booklet, The Canadian Monarchy, (English, French).
The monarchy is also fun! The King and his family form part of our extended national family, all having their own qualities and particular interests, each making a distinct contribution to our country and the life of the Commonwealth. So it is that our diverse membership makes our group impossible to stereotype; we certainly are not just “royal-watchers”. In addition to supporting the serious objectives of the League, many members participate in events hosted by local branches and contact groups ranging from pub nights to interesting speakers and the celebration of royal events, including—we admit it—the occasional tea party! We are hardly an old-fashioned or “old-world organization”—and we invite any Canadian to join the League on a complimentary trial basis to see what we mean.
Notable League Accomplishments
The League also “stands on guard” for the Crown. We actively lobby all levels of government for the visibility and full use of Royal symbols in everyday life. As well, we keep a watchful eye on politicians, the bureaucracy and the private sector in order to expose and correct any attempts to minimize the role of Canada’s constitutional monarchy or the prominence of its symbols. In this area the League is frequently called upon by the media to explain related developments or interpret royal events for the public. Notable successes in many such undertakings have given the League its reputation for possessing “clout” and exercising it effectively, and are listed to the left. You can also view the League Chronology that outlines in greater detail many of our activities over the last four decades.
What You Can Do to Keep the Monarchy Visible
Your own actions reflect public opinion and do make a difference. Your one email, letter or phone call to a politician or other decision-maker stands for the views of many.
Not all monarchists can make speeches, appear on television debates or write textbooks! But every one of us can help keep our monarchy visible:

Encourage local educational authorities to present an informed program of study about monarchy in schools.

Write or post your views supporting or defending the Monarchy on media websites, blogs, and social media – and of course to federal and provincial legislators.

Ask your faith leader to include prayer for The King and the Royal Family in every service.

Encourage the singing of both God Save the King (the Royal anthem) and O Canada (the national anthem) at public occasions, at your place of worship, and at your lodge, service club, community event, choral festival and your kids’ hockey finals—make sure everyone knows the words.

At the post office, buy stamps with The King’s picture. The domestic letter rate stamp of The King is a compulsory item which all Canada Post outlets must carry.

Encourage the celebration of Victoria Day as the monarch’s official birthday in Canada.

Suggest that streets, public buildings or similarly suitable public places be named after the King and members of the Royal Family.

See that monarchical and historical buildings and monuments are kept in good repair.

Present pictures of the Queen, framed or foam-core mounted if possible, to organizations you are associated with, such your kids’ schools, service clubs, Legion branches and your place of worship, as well as to postal outlets, fire halls, police stations, municipal council chambers and other locations in your community.
How to join the League
We invite you to enroll in the League with a free six-month trial membership, after which you will be invited to renew on a paid basis. Membership includes a subscription to Canadian Monarchist News, as well as other benefits. For more information about joining as a paid member, or making a donation, please access the League Store.