Contacts & Branches

PRIVACY POLICY: The League only uses your contact information to communicate with you, and will not share it with third parties.

Dominion Headquarters

The Dominion Chairman is Robert Finch. He is responsible for the overall functioning of the League; speaks on its behalf to public, government and media; sets League policy and co-ordinates the functioning of its branches and other representatives across Canada.
(905) 912-0916

Dominion Headquarters processes membership, renewals and sales, provides League materials to branches and individuals, and is the first line of enquiry for all routine matters such as branch contacts, providing speakers and general information about the Canadian Crown.
(800) 465-6925

Branches & Contact Groups

All memberships in the League are national. However the Dominion Chairman selects carefully-chosen leaders to chair a chain of Branches and Contact Groups across Canada in order to rally members in promoting the League’s work in communities where sufficient interest exists. Generally speaking, a Branch contains a larger number of members and a more robust program of outreach activities, while a Contact Group exists principally to provide local media and residents with an additional means to find out about the League’s work. While recognizing the value of fellowship amongst members, both focus on outreach, and avoid meeting merely for meetings’ sake! New members are automatically put in touch with any existing Branch or Contact group in the area where they live.

The League depends on members’ volunteer participation to support such local activities. Ideally, Branches hold occasional meetings, recruit new members, raise the League’s profile by participating in local events such as mall sales and community fairs, sponsor speakers and celebrate Royal occasions in imaginative ways. They try to make monarchists feel more supported and less isolated in their loyalty, no matter where they live. Branches are organized around the principles and instructions of the 2021 “Branch Plan” which is furnished to all entities representing the League at the local level.

As is true of many organizations clubs and societies, Branches are formed based on the availability of responsible leadership from members who naturally have busy lives and other responsibilities. If you wish to know whether a Branch exists nearby your residence, please contact – The Dominion Chairman is always interested to learn if you want to participate in organizing a new Branch in your area; please contact Robert Finch at