Important Instructions for Customers Outside of Canada

We ship items outside of Canada only to members of the League! The shipping costs shown automatically at check-out are ONLY for delivery to Canadian addresses. If you require shipping to the US or overseas, please email to the delivery address and item/s to be ordered BEFORE you use this form. We will then advise you of the additional postage which you can add as a Fighting Fund “donation” to complete your order without delay.


Family Membership
Family Membership

Canada $65
U.S. $80
Overseas $100

Individual Membership
Individual Membership

Canada $45
U.S. $60
Overseas $80

Life Membership
Life Membership

Canada $850
U.S. $1000
Overseas $1300

Full-time Student under Age 24
Full-time Student under Age 24

Canada 15
U.S. $35
Overseas $50


ImageNameCustom fieldBuy
Donation to the League’s Special Appeal
Donation to the League’s Special Appeal
Total: $0.00
ImageNameCustom fieldBuy
Donation to the League’s Fighting Fund
Donation to the League’s Fighting Fund
Total: $0.00


Sales Items

Official Canadian Portrait of His Majesty King Charles III

The Monarchist League of Canada distributes the Official Canadian Portrait of The King on behalf the Government of Canada. 14 x 17 inches. Available only to Canadian and Canadian Forces addresses. He is wearing the insignia of the Order of Canada, received in 2017 and also a bar of medals from Canada, New Zealand and the UK. For more information on Canadian Royal Portraits and usage rights, visit the Department of Canadian Heritage website.

The Late Queen's Portrait

The Monarchist League of Canada distributed to the public the Official Canadian Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II on behalf the Government of Canada, and is honoured to continue to do so: Dimensions: 14 x 17 inches. NB: Available only to Canadian and Canadian Forces addresses

"We Stand on Guard" Pin

To meet the current challenges from without which are assaulting our nationhood and polity. Thus they bear the wordings “WE STAND ON GUARD” or “PROTÉGEONS NOS FOYERS” – which surely not lost to you, are taken from the National Anthem.

Royal Pin – King Charles Coronation

Direct import from UK
Join the Commonwealth in supporting our Royal Family.
Approx 1 inch width, of purple, crimson and gold.

King of Canada Seal

Designed by member Mitch Ramsay-Mader, this self-adhesive Seal expresses our loyalty to Canada’s King. Ideal for your mail, children’s projects and many other uses.

Royal Pin – William and Catherine

Direct import from UK
Join the Commonwealth in supporting our Royal Family. Approx 1 1/8 inch width, all in gold with touch of purple.

Platinum Jubilee Pin

In extremely limited supply. Shipped only to Canadian and CF addresses. LIMIT: ONE PIN PER PERSON/ADDRESS.
Produced by the Department of Canadian Heritage to honour our late Queen’s 70 years on the Throne, this beautiful Pin will be a personal memorial to the devoted service of a beloved Sovereign.

League Membership Pin

In gold-coloured metal, the design being the shield of the Arms including a Royal Crown granted by permission of Her Majesty The Queen, available with the League’s name in in English or French. NB: FOR LEAGUE MEMBERS ONLY

Canada's Deep Crown

Reviewed in CMN Summer 2022. Three readable experts, referencing changes to the institution over recent decades, reflect on the role of the Crown in dispersing power throughout Canada’s system of government; functions of the Sovereign, Governor General, and Lieutenant Governors with strikingly fresh analysis and a look into the transition of the next Reign.

League Correspondence Cards

All-occasion correspondence cards, bearing the League’s striking Armorials on front (The Late Queen personally gave approval to the use of the Royal Crowns). Package of six cards, 4.1875 x 5.5 inches, one fold, inside for writing on writeable stock. SPECIAL OPENING PRICE: $7.50

Platinum Jubilee Banner

As displayed throughout the National Capital Region by the Government of Canada, this spectacular banner marked the 70th year on the Maple Throne of Elizabeth II, now of late and happy memory, Ideal for your rec room, rumpus room, workshop, older kid or grand-kid’s bedroom. Dry-cleaned by the Department of Canadian Heritage, it is easy to get the “wrinkles” out using a medium-hot iron on a lightly water-sprinkled towel. $50.00 – very limited supply.

Copy/copies of past issues of Canadian Monarchist News

Usually from most recent issues

Special issue of Canadian Monarchist News - The Cost of the Canadian Monarchy

Canada’s Constitutional Monarchy: Good Value, Small Cost. The League’s triennial report on the cost and value of the Canadian Crown.

League Fridge Magnets

What better way to foster curiosity of family and friends? And to post your own reminders! Colourful and bilingual, 3.5×2″


Postcards (click on image to see full front)

* Trial member and non-member price is $4.00 each, with a maximum of five of any one card, and payable only through this website; no cheques accepted. You must contact us at prior to submitting any such order with you complete requirements and postal address in order to receive a permission number and instructions how to make your payment via the Store. Payments not respecting the above conditions will be refunded immediately.

Four Generations of Canada’s Royal Family$2.00$20.00
Charles dances during NWT homecoming$2.00$20.00
The Prince & Princess of Wales with their children$2.00$20.00
Canada's Queen with CF Soldiers at Windsor$2.00$20.00
Mother and Son$2.00$20.00
The Queen & the "Iron Duke"$2.00$20.00
William & George: Heirs to the Maple Crown$2.00$20.00
King Charles III with Noble, RCMP's gift$2.00$20.00